Saturday, September 28, 2013

Agency Prosectives In Mind

I feel that the word agency does relate to what we are learning in INQ because the definition that I get out of this word in this context according to the quotes above is that agency is basically used as a mental process, which is a cognitive activity; a process that creates the process of thinking. This word relates to me taking this course this semester because the skills that we learn in this class by the reading assignments are in reality a “college success class”. I have been thinking since the beginning of the semester of how this class will help me improve in my other classes I’m enrolled in this semester. I have the mental process of agency that I can pass this course as long as I am thinking critically. Critical thinking brings me to the topic of agency. Agency can be used as an inspiring term like motivation, which I am learning to take on in different ways then I did in high school because it takes a lot more agency to get all my homework done! In high school I hadn’t spent much time doing homework, but in college you learn to become an independent thinker and most of the work needs to be done individually. This would be at least 15-20 hours of homework or more on reading, projects, writing, etc. Agency for homework is needed and is honestly the key to college survival. If reading assignments are not completed on time, falling behind does take a lot more energy to catch back up to where you are supposed to be. So I try to stay on top of what is assigned for each day. I’ve learned about myself that I am a procrastinator but that I am working on it and becoming better. Time management is also another technique that is explored in college and filling out that time chart earlier this week gave us an estimate about where our time is used as our agency. I found this meaningful to me because in the future I can remember how much time is spent towards my priorities compared to my options. Being in college is a place where agency should always be used in order to succeed. The picture that is posted above, in pink in white and yellow lettering is realistic and relates to agency since work in college is a choice. No one is making us get all of our work done, or even showing up to class if we individually don’t want too. Therefore the more time we spend on our school studies simply the better outcome we will receive with our grades. This quote can be stretched out to many other horizons such as sports, clubs, work, etc. Even if something does come very easy to you, it does not mean to slack off, but to still complete what is expected from you in the position you hold. Ex. “Student”, “Manager”, Coworker, “Supervisor.” All the agency that is put into doing something you love, or not so much on the other hand, will be the result of your effort of the subject in total.


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