Saturday, October 19, 2013

8B) The Hero Sonia Sotomayor

I think "My beloved world", was chosen to be the common read for our class because Sonia Sotomayor demonstrates that anything is possible through her testimony. She was able to overcome many challenges in her life from a very young age. Her life was diffidently a journey from growing up with little to no money to being diagnosed with diabetes, giving herself insulin injections. Growing up was also tough with the fact that her mom and her did not have the best relationship but somehow with her strength and talent she made it very far. Even with a broken language of English she was able to adapt and not give up on herself or dreams. From a young age she was interested in becoming a judge, and graduating from Yale Law School she soon perused her goal. When she became a judge in 1992 everything went uphill from her then. She soon became the first Latina Supreme court justice in U.S history in 2009. Her memoir is very inspiring to me and encouraging in many different ways. I feel that first year students can get a lot out of this story because when we have a tough day and think it’s the end of the word we can think about Sonia and what she went through to get where she is now. As human beings we sometimes over exaggerate on the most little things, we are quick to become angry, and at times are not thankful when we really should be. Sonia demonstrates through this quote "Although I grew up in very modest and challenging circumstances, I consider my life to be immeasurably rich." This calls to say that at the times were we “think” we have it really bad either at school, work, personally, at home, financially, etc. We may not, we should always focus on what lies ahead of us and not focus on negativity because it brings us down. This does apply to any college student because she worked incredibly hard towards her one goal that opened many opportunities for her. This gives us a sense to never give up on our dreams when situations become hard. She is a reliable source that anything is possible. Sonia is amazing at what she does or she would not have the title she has. I’m pleased that she is the common read for our class. We can all take something out of "My Beloved World" and relate it to ourselves in at least one way.  

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